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Discussion – Leadership Theories substantive responses to classmate

Discussion – Leadership Theories substantive responses to classmate

Discussion – Leadership Theories substantive responses to classmate Be constructive and professional.Respond to the following prompt in a minimum of 175 words


#1 PFJ

Where I currently am employed, I believe that transactional and transformational leadership are the most prevalent theories noted here. I know that the leaders here attempt to present themselves to their staff as role models, but I cannot say that this is working for most of the staff here. I know that we (employees) joke that to become management here you need to know or be related to someone. So, in saying that it is very hard to believe that the leaders within the healthcare system are genuine about the care being provided to the patients or the way the employees are being treated throughout the healthcare system. If you are an individual looking at our healthcare system from the outside; you would think it is a great place to work and the staff is taken care of, but if you are an employee within the system you can speak to another scenario. What we have going on here within the healthcare system should change and employees and patients should be put first to improve the system as a whole but that would require an entire clean-out of the administration and leadership.

I know that I am a member of the leadership council for our healthcare system and I sit in on the meetings amazing at the arrogance and ignorance of the director of nursing. Sadly, there is a nurse that should be our director of nursing for the healthcare system but I do not think she wants the job nor do I think she would be able to obtain the job. The current director has her nephew in line to replace her and holy cow … good luck with that transition. I think nepotism is a big problem within our healthcare system and I know it can be an issue within other businesses which can cause a lot of issues and failure within the business. Our healthcare system promotes a patient-centered caring system, but instead, we make no effect to improve the system or patient care. I feel that the system is a failing system that has a high turnover and low morale between the employees. Jones, G. R., (2020). Contemporary management (11th ed). McGraw-Hill Education.



At my workplace, I have seen many different leadership theories being used by managers, such as behavioral theory and great man theory. Being a small company that transitions into a large company many of the different leadership theories have to adapt to a new model of work integrating different methods of leadership. The most effective leadership theories are the behavioral, and then situational and contingency theories because they consider the team and include them in the projects, sometimes adapting to the necessity of the individuals and the managerial role adapting to its needs. On the other hand, the great man and trait theories seem to be very similar as they both give too much credit to the leader having certain skills that only could have been obtained by legacy or by specific traits that make them be more competitive than other leaders. The execution of the behavioral leadership theory adapts perfectly to my company\’s business strategies because the company is in great need of leadership skills and would like the inclusion of many individuals developing new leadership skills to cover the leadership requirements of a large corporation.



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