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Leadership skills


leadership skills

you chose cocacola

Add an analysis of effective leadership skills and suggestions for motivating employees and improving job satisfaction based on your chosen theme (group/team work, leadership, or organizational change processes) in the context of the organization that you have selected. Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • What type of leadership approach is best for your theme and organization? Explain why.
  • What theories or combination of theories would be best for leaders to use to motivate employees in your organization?
  • Why do you think the theories you selected would be best for your chosen theme (group/team work, leadership, or organizational change processes)?
  • What suggestions would you make to increase employee job satisfaction for your chosen theme? For example:
    • How would you increase job satisfaction for group and teams?
    • How would you increase job satisfaction for those individuals in leadership roles?
    • How would you increase or maintain job satisfaction for employees in the midst of an organizational change?


…………………Answer preview……………………

 Having selected the theme of organization change process, it is imperative for the Coca Cola leaders to employ the right leadership approach. We all know the change brings about numerous uncertainties, hence the reason why most people tend to resist it. For this reason, the relationship-oriented leadership approach is the ideal strategy to use in Coca Cola’s theme. Under this approach, the leader is concerned with how he or she interacts with team members. In most cases these leaders act as mentors to their team members…………………………………

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