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Describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation

Describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation

Good leadership requires that you look within yourself and periodically evaluate your skills. Think about the knowledge you may have gained in this class and how you might utilize your skills in the future. Additionally, consider in what areas you might need to improve your skills and strategize ways to continually improve.

For this Assignment, reflect on what you have gained in this course in a 2-page paper.

Describe the insights you gained or information you acquired through this course that will assist you in becoming a more effective collaborative facilitator.

Describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation and explain why.

Explain what insights you have gained or information you acquired in relation to the expected competencies—professional disposition, technology, and diversity. Explain how your insights into these areas will assist you in future collaborations.

Describe any skills related to collaborative facilitation that you may need to improve, and explain how you might develop those skills.

Answer preview to describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation

Describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation

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