Leadership Ethics

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Leadership Ethics

that is a research project for leadership, which include at most 12 pages. We should create a key question and using a unique theory of leadership.Then I ll attach the whole requirements for you. we will focus on leadership ethics and ethical theory.our key question is How does the hidden rule in workplace affect employee performance?


The individual/team research project is designed to answer one key question:  using a unique theory of leadership, how does leadership and ethical behavior affect employee performance?  Phase I:  TheoryàHypotheses:  In this first phase, a theory is built about leadership behavior or leader ethical behavior and how those behaviors impact employee performance.  Using text material, research, readings, and in-depth interviews (each will interview at least two people; the people interviewed must be employed full-time and not attending Troy University, and hopefully, those interviewed will be as different from one another as possible).  The specific interview questions will be left up to you, but you should explore the interview subjects’ beliefs about which leadership or ethical behaviors are important, and how these behaviors affect employee performance.  Let them tell you what is important!  Do not provide a set of concepts for them!  For example, one interview question might be:  “When you think about times that you had good leadership, what specific leader behaviors contributed to how you performed?” or “When you think about good ethical leaders, what behaviors stand out as being particularly effective in changing employee behavior/performance?”  Your project can focus on the concepts in this course, but should go beyond those concepts as well.

Phase II:  Interview Method Description:  This section of your research paper should describe your interview participants (no names or other identifying information), the questions asked in the interviews, the participants’ responses to the interview questions, and the themes/concepts that emerged from the interviews.

Phase III:  Incorporate Interview Data into Theory and Hypotheses:  Once your interviews are completed, you will distill the most interesting themes from your interviews and convert those into specific predictions that can be tested with data.  Hypotheses can focus on the concepts in this course, but (again) should go beyond these concepts as well.  Feel free to focus on the concepts that interest you or your team.  Incorporate your interview data into your Leadership Theory.  Explicitly show the changes you made to your original Leadership Theory based on the interviews.  Express your theory in diagram form.

Phase IV:  Recommendations for practicing managers:  Use this section of your paper to make recommendations to practicing managers based on your theory and the interview data that you collected.  No two individuals/teams may present the same leadership theory.  To meet the threshold for a B grade, no fewer than 10, non-textbook, relevant references must be used and cited [use the APA Publication Manual for citation style; this is very important for electronic sources–Internet, etc.].  At least ten sources are required; with at least eight of those sources from current (2011-2015), reputable, peer-reviewed journals.  The other sources may include academic and professional periodicals, government publications (to include CD ROM resources), magazines, and newspaper articles.  All work submitted must be the original work of the student(s), and will be checked for originality using online software (Turnitin.com).  Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the project, and possible for the course [see Cheating Policy].  This paper should be between 10 and 14 pages in length—hopefully no more than 15 pages.  Number all pages and use American Psychological Association (APA) format, 12-point font, double-spacing (LS = 2), paragraph indention, section headings, and submit in MS-Word format.  This is expected to be a scholarly project.  It will include a title page, executive summary, research report body including introduction, theory/problem/issue, and recommendations/suggestions for managers, (at least one) graphic(s), and references page.  Grades will be based on scholarship, application of course material, use of course research concepts, coherence, reference quality, format, and grammatical correctness, and all research projects will be rated and/or ranked within the class, and grades assigned accordingly (in line with the ratings/rankings).  Your work should look business-like and professional.  Written assignments displaying disproportionately poor grammar or a poor quality of written communication skills will be assigned a grade that is at least one letter grade lower than might otherwise have been assigned.









………………..Answer Preview………………….


Ethical leadership took a different direction since the recent recess we faced in the world since the 1930’s. Additionally, there are rising claims of scandals in leading corporate organizations. A good leader should be able to work from pressure to achieve and implement win at all cost hypothesis. Leaders should chant down bribery, discrimination and facilitation payments and practice real ethical aspects in their roles. Leadership ethical practices are guided by key principles that include honesty, integrity, concerns, and fairness. This means that a leader should be dedicated to implement strategy that benefit other stakeholders…………………


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