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Research case studies that focus on leadership strategy, systems thinking, or improvement opportunities in healthcare.

Research case studies that focus on leadership strategy, systems thinking, or improvement opportunities in healthcare.

Apply systems thinking to case study scenarios.
For Week 6, complete the following in your Leadership Portfolio:

Research case studies that focus on leadership strategy, systems thinking, or improvement opportunities in healthcare. Select one case study to analyze for this assignment. You are encouraged to choose a case study that relates to your specialty area or discipline of healthcare.

Length: 1 page of content (minimum)

Format: Case study analysis

Writing in third person is expected for this assignment.

Provide a minimum of three references, in APA style, on the page following your content for Week 6.

Peterson, E.A., Dwyer, J., Howze-Shiplett, M., Davsion, C.Y., Wilson, K., and Noykhovich, E. (2011) Presence of Leadership and Management in Global Health Programs: Compendium of Case Studies. The Center for Global Health, The George Washington University: Washington DC. https://www.msh.org/sites/default/files/leadership_and_management_compendium.pdf Links to an external site.

Chelagat, T. (2020). A Qualitative and quantitative assessment of a leadership training programme’s impact on health system performance in 19 counties in Kenya [Thesis, Strathmore University]. http://hdl.handle.net/11071/10218. Full text link: https://su-plus.strathmore.edu/bitstream/handle/11071/10218/A%20Qualitative%20and%20quantitative%20assessment%20of%20a%20leadership%20training%20programme%E2%80%99s%20impact%20on%20health%20system%20performance%20in%2019%20counties%20in%20Kenya.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

Paper Format: APA

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Research case studies that focus on leadership strategy systems thinking or improvement opportunities in healthcare


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