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Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators

Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators

Research Topic: Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educators

You will create a research plan outline. Think of this outline as a starting point to plan theinformation that will be included in the final paper.

You can add to the outline by adding details from the references you read when you work on Annotated Bibliography 1, 2, and 3. The first will be completed in this module, the second onewill be due at the end of module 4, and the third one will be due at the end of module 5.

You must use the headings that are beside each Roman Numeral below as these will be theheadings required in the final draft/final paper. The paper will NOT include the Roman NumeralI. Introduction heading as there should be no heading for the Introduction in the final paper. Seethe sample outline for formatting and content that should be placed under each heading.

I. IntroductionII. DefinitionsIII. Related LiteratureIV. Learning Theory AssociationV. Gaps in the ResearchVI. Biblical WorldviewVII. ConclusionVIII. References

Format the paper in the current APA format and see the grading rubric for specific gradingcriteria.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Attached is a sample research outline to use as reference, and the grading rubric for the assignment.

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Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators


1412 words

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