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Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership

Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership

Research Topic: Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educators

INSTRUCTIONSEach annotated bibliography must follow the current APA format and consist of at least eightscholarly sources. Each annotated bibliography must have a title page with a running head andpage numbers. No abstract is required. At least five of your scholarly resources must be currentand published in the last five years. These must be empirical, peer-reviewed journal articles,professional books, and/or scholarly websites. All sources must be directly related to yourresearch topic.An annotation must follow each source citation. The annotations are designed to helpyou and your instructor better understand how your sources connect to your research topic.bibliography:

? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for all resources you used.

? The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, andquality of the sources cited.

? Annotations will be written below the full citation. No reference list is to be written at theend of the paper.? Each annotation should be around 150 words (Rubric). Each line in the annotation needsto be indented so that the author\’s last name is the only text that is flush left.? Include a summary of the main points of the reference. Explain how this information ishelpful to your problem/topic.? Focus on the purpose of the research study and the findings. You do not need to includethe details of the research methods used in the studies (number of participants, researchmethod used).

Note: Do not cut and paste from your sources, as this constitutes plagiarism. Most of the time,this occurs as an innocent oversight on the part of the candidate. Regardless of the reason, in theevent of plagiarism, you will receive 0 points for the entire assignment per Liberty University’spolicy on academic dishonesty

Format the paper in the current APA format and see the grading rubric for specific gradingcriteria.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Attached I have included a checklist, a sample annotated bibliography, and the grading rubric. I have also included copy of my research proposal so you can useto get background on my research topic.

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Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership


1590 words

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