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Develop a personal theory of organizational leadership and change.

Develop a personal theory of organizational leadership and change.

1. Develop a personal theory of organizational leadership and change. This paper is an “idea” paper and should provide a unique view or theory of organizational leadership from the students’ perspective by combining two or more leadership theories.  Please base my theory on the combination Behaviorism and Constructivism Theories in relation to my career as a school counselor.

2. This Theory of Leading Change should be unique and not be the same as one we studied/discussed in class. The student should research other change theories (Behaviorism and Constructivism) and create his/her own plan for leading change.This paper needs to be a polished, final product. The information created for this assignment could potentially be used in a future interview for a leadership position. Think about this paper as explaining how I would lead and organization. This is a personal theory of organizational leadership and change, the student may use first person (I) in the paper. However, the paper should be written in a formal manner rather than in an informal or conversational way

2. Be sure to address how I as an educator and school counselor would systematically implement change in my elementary school.

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Develop a personal theory of organizational leadership and change.

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