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The importance of leadership in emotional intelligence

The importance of leadership in emotional intelligence

Students choose and record their preference for researching a topic (week 2.) Depending on the topic they have chosen, they will develop either a writing assignment for Unit II or one for Unit III. A student is not required to submit a writing assignment for both Unit II and Unit III.

Developing a writing assignment for either Unit II or III offers the student the opportunity to investigate a topic of choice in more depth and report on the topic by offering:

an overview (600 word limit)

statements about the connection between the topic and the workplace or employee success in the workplace (250 word limit)

their opinion about the information they have shared within the writing assignment (250 word limit.)

My topic is Leadership and EI (Basically the importance of leadership in emotional intelligence and details about it)

Resources below address leadership and emotional intelligence. Not all parts of all of the resources will be beneficial. Look for information in the introduction (what is provided prior to the discussion of the methodology and results of the study.) Also, read the discussion of the results of the studies at the very end of the articles. Cartwright, S., & Pappas, C. (2008). Emotional Intelligence, Its Measurement and Implications for the Workplace International Journal of Management Reviews, 10(2), 149-171. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2370.2007.00220.x Look at: Section on Leadership – p.160 Hutchinson, M., & Hurley, J. (2013). Exploring Leadership Capability and Emotional Intelligence as Moderators of Workplace Bullying Journal of Nursing Management, 21(3), 553-562 10p. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2012.01372.x Ingram, J., & Cangemi, J. (2012). Emotions, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: A Brief, Pragmatic Perspective Education, 132(4), 771-778. Koning, L., & Van Kleef, G. (2015). How Leaders’ Emotional Displays Shape Followers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior Leadership Quarterly, 26(4), 489-501.

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The importance of leadership in emotional intelligence


1119 words

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