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Discourse as a method to study leadership has proven to be a viable tool.

Discourse as a method to study leadership has proven to be a viable tool.

Discourse as a method to study leadership has proven to be a viable tool. Western (2013) [required reading] suggested that Eco-leadership is a discourse of “new leadership for new time.”

You are an organization development and leadership consultant who has been hired to work with the Executive Director (ED) of a global non-governmental organization (NGO) the work of which primarily occurs throughout Africa and Central and South America. English is the most common language used in the NGO.

The NGO is part of a larger grouping of corporations, non-profits, and NGO’s working in the area of children’s health. The NGO has long held the belief that distributed leadership is the only way for its programs to reach the intended clients and to survive over time. The ED recently read Western’s (2013) work on Leadership Discourses and is particularly interested in knowing more about Eco-Leadership.

You and the ED agree that the two of you will explore the Eco-Leadership concepts within the context of the NGO’s history, current status, and vision before opening up discussions with other NGO and partner leaders. You and the CEO agree that Western’s (2013) four qualities of Eco-Leadership could be an excellent way to advance understanding.

The four qualities include:

Connectivity and interdependence

Systemic ethics

Leadership spirit

Organizational belonging. (Western 2013, p. 254)

You and the ED agree that an explanation of the four qualities and then associating each quality with either an organizational theory or a leadership theory would be a great place to begin the dialogue.

You will prepare a consulting report* and executive summary** and discuss it with the ED in 10 days.


A consulting report consisting of six to eight pages including a one-page executive summary*. Title and references pages are required and are not included in the page count. Cite two (2) real-world examples of NGOs and networks that might exemplify one or more components of Eco-Leadership.

One organization or leadership theory applied to each of the four qualities (for a total of four theories).

Format your entire paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).

An executive summary: quick read and enough information to understand the contents and relevance
of the report

Consulting report Example consulting report http://w3.marietta.edu/~catalant/Management%20451…. Prioritizing concerns in business writing https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/548/1/

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Discourse as a method to study leadership has proven to be a viable tool.


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