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Use research topic within the law enforcement

Use research topic within the law enforcement

USE THIS SITE PLEASE: https://scholar.google.com/


When completing this assignment, keep the second assignment in mind (i.e., research proposal topic). It’s common for research articles to conclude by recommending additional research that should be conducted on a particular topic. Such recommendations can provide ideas for your own research proposal.


* You may only use academic sources to reach this quota – books, journal articles, organizational websites. You may NEVER cite Wikipedia or any other non- official website. You may use newspapers or other media content, but only AFTER your five academic source quota has been met.


A clear and informative title of your research topic (1 pt): This will help you stay on topic. An informative title usually contains information on the relationship you are interested in. It may be a statement or a question.


Introduction of your topic (1 pt): In a few sentences, explain what your research topic is.

Summary of articles (5 pt): Identify five original empirical research articles from academic journals published since 2010 that directly address your research topic.


Provide a summary of each article in a few sentences. Also summary must include. In theory or theoretical background, hypotheses, measurements, samples, research design, analysis methods, and main findings.Repeat this for all five articles. Your summary must demonstrate that you read and fully understood articles. Therefore, it is neither acceptable nor appropriate for you to rely exclusively on abstracts or other published summaries of research articles.


Reference information (1 pt): Provide full reference information in APA style.Do not summarize a meta-analysis or literature review article for this assignment.


If you enter the key words (e.g., police legitimacy) that are relevant to your topic on Google Scholar, then you can find numerous research articles that are relevant to the key words you entered. https://scholar.google.com/

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