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Describe how the PATRIOT Act increased the authority of law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism

Describe how the PATRIOT Act increased the authority of law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism

The USA PATRIOT Act was a comprehensive response to the 9/11 attack. It has been modified several times since its adoption. Considering the current state of the Act’s provisions, discuss the following points in an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation:

Describe how the PATRIOT Act increased the authority of law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism. Critically analyze the Act, giving reasons and examples.

How effective has the PATRIOT Act proved to be in preventing attacks in the homeland?

Discuss the controversies regarding the PATRIOT Act. Critically analyze whether or not the PATRIOT Act allows the government or law enforcement to violate civil liberties.

Support your response using appropriate examples and references from the textbook, websites, other references, or personal experience. Cite the sources in the correct APA format.

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Describe how the PATRIOT Act increased the authority of law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism10 slides

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