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Why has the University of Oklahoma Police Department established an EAP

Why has the University of Oklahoma Police Department established an EAP

Question 1

Investigative Efforts

To fully understand what kinds of investigative efforts are being made by police to address real-world problems, select two individual problem solving guides from the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing | Problem Guides (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and assess what police are using to succeed in their investigative and problem-solving efforts. Summarize then analyze both of the problem guides you selected, focusing on the positive aspects of the research. How can this information be utilized and applied in a law enforcement agency?

Question 2

Officer Stress

The police work environment itself can and does have adverse effects on police officers. It creates stress, which may be defined as a force that is external in nature that causes both physical and emotional strain upon the body. The late Hans Selye, who is known as “the father of stress research,” defined stress as a nonspecific response of a body to demands placed on it.

To help officers deal with stress and its effects, a comprehensive wellness program is needed that should include five elements: (1) physical fitness, (2) stress management, (3) psychological and mental health, (4) nutrition and dietary-related behaviors, and (5) alcohol/chemical dependency.

Police agencies need a comprehensive wellness program to assist officers in coping with stress, but if that fails or is absent, an employee assistance program (EAP) should be available to help officers to cope with alcohol and substance abuse, psychological problems such as depression, or family management problems.

Read the Employee Assistance Program – The Police Notebook (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and address the following:

    Why has the University of Oklahoma Police Department established an EAP, and how does the program work?
What portions of the EAP presented did you find particularly helpful? Why?
What portions should be expanded? Why?
In your opinion, do you think either a comprehensive wellness program or an EAP helps with officer stress? Why or why not?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Question 3

Ethical Policing

Read the following case study and answer the questions below.

Sergeant Tom Gresham is newly promoted and assigned to patrol on the graveyard shift. He knows each officer on his shift, and several of them are his close friends. You are his patrol lieutenant. Gresham is an excellent patrol officer and prides himself on his reputation and ability to get along with his peers. He believes that doing so will result in greater productivity from his officers, and he makes efforts to socialize with them after work. Gresham also believes that a supervisor should not “get in the way of good police work” and his officer’s say he is a “cop’s cop.” In his view, his duty shift officers perform very well, generating the highest number of arrests and citations in the entire department. Unfortunately, his shift is also generating the highest number of citizen complaints for abusive language and improper use of force. Gresham believes that such complaints are “the price of doing business.” One Monday morning, Gresham is surprised at being summoned to your office. You show Gresham a substantial number of use-of-force complaints lodged against his officers during the past two weeks. Despite your best effort to explain the gravity of the situation and the fact that Internal Affairs may become involved, Gresham fails to grasp the seriousness of the complaints and how his supervisory style may have contributed to them.

Answer these questions pertaining to how you would handle this situation:

    What do you believe are some of Sergeant Gresham’s problems as a new supervisor? Could anything have been done before he assumed his new position to help him understand his role better? If so, what?
As Gresham’s superior officer, what advice would you give him? Are there any other supervisory or command officers who you should ask to be involved in dealing with this situation? Who and why?
What corrective action must Sergeant Gresham take immediately with his team of officers? Why?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Question 4

Planning for Terrorists

Terrorists would generally prefer to attack critical targets, several of which exist in nearly any city or county. You, as a lieutenant in your local police agency, have been assigned to your county-wide fusion center. The captain who oversees the unit informs you that your first task is to help identify all critical targets in your city or county. Using your city or county as the area you are reporting on, answer these questions:

    What structures in your county or city do you feel should be listed as critical targets? Why? What makes them a target?
Might local politics come into play when developing this list, especially if someone’s business is (or is not) included? If so, how will you deal with it?
What should your fusion center do once your list is compiled?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

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Why has the University of Oklahoma Police Department established an EAP


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