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Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition in several ways

Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition in several ways

Assignment Details: Cognitive Psychology – Short Bilingualism essay:

Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition in several ways. After reading the articles, sum up some of the major findings of research on being bilingual. For example, what advantages or disadvantages do bilinguals have? Given what you have learned about being bilingual , how do you think second language acquisition should be approached? How do you think your approach could increase cognitive function in different professional settings? Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research.

 Paper should include all of the following elements:
 • A summary of major research findings on being bilingual
• A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism
• A description of a recommended approach for second language acquisition
• An explanation of how your recommended approach could increase cognitive function in different professional settings
• A defense of your approach with scholarly research

Guidelines for Submission: 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-formatted citations for all sources used. The paper should be 3–4 pages, not including references.

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Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition in several ways


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