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Describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development

Describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development

Describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development in special education students. What are the benefits of family engagement and language development associated with both shared activities?

What are some of the effects that delayed reading skills can have on students later in life? List three possible effects of early literacy issues and cite your sources.

What can an educator do to help parents understand the importance of helping to build their child’s vocabulary skills at home? Provide two recommended strategies for families of young learners to use at home to help increase vocabulary skills. Rationalize your choices.

As an educator, why is it beneficial to know about the unique aspects of each student to include his or her abilities, interests, cultural background, social abilities, etc. in your instruction? Describe how you plan to elicit these details from your students.

Answer preview to describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development

Describe two school activities you believe would increase family engagement and promote language development


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