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Why you think catching these mistakes is an important part of organizational communication.

Why you think catching these mistakes is an important part of organizational communication.

Organizational Communication Discussion Forum

Does it bother you when people misspell or mispronounce words, or use the wrong word? In this forum I want you to cover 5 (or more) of your pet peeves about language. Do so in the following format: 1. The incorrect word or words followed by an example of how the word(s) are (mis)used in a sentence. 2. Two references that give the correct spelling or usage, and a sample sentence with the correct usage. 3. After you complete your list of words, write a brief paragraph explaining why you think catching these mistakes is an important part of organizational communication.

For example: Seen — “When I was at the store yesterday I seen your cousin.” The Oxford English Dictionary and the Grammar Girl website both confirm that the correct word for this sentence is “saw.” When I was at the store yesterday I saw your cousin.

At the end of your list, explain why it’s important to catch these mistakes.) Make sure your answers use clear, correct spelling, grammar, etc.

Answer preview to why you think catching these mistakes is an important part of organizational communication.

Why you think catching these mistakes is an important part of organizational communication.


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