Seminar in Employment Relations
Masters in HRER 504 – Seminar in Employment Relations
Textbook 1: Labor Relations: Striking a Balance 6TH 2020; Author: Budd, John W. Publisher – McGraw-Hill
Textbook 2: Collective Bargaining in Private Sector 2002; Author: Clark, Paul F. / Delaney, John T. / Frost, Ann C. Publisher – Industrial Relations Research Association
Essay Assignment – Final Exam – Select two of the following essay questions to answer.
a. Each answer should be written as a complete essay with good structure and format.
b. Make sure your answers address every part of the question/prompt.
c. Make sure you view this final exam as a comprehensive exam – i.e. you should utilize material from throughout the entire course and text.
d. Please indicate clearly which questions you are addressing, by an introduction paragraph about the selected topic.
1.Throughout this course we have discussed the three primary goals of the labor relations process, the inherent conflict between these and the need to balance the goals. Using evidence from throughout the course define these three goals, determine whether or not the three have been adequately balanced and if so, what environmental factors and parts of the labor relations process have led to this balance. If the goals have not been balanced, explain what is causing this continuing labor problem and whether, and if so, what other models of labor relations (i.e. international examples, theoretical examples, historical examples) might better balance these goals.
2. As we have discussed labor relations throughout this semester, we have focused on the fact that labor relations is a process. Each step of this process impacts each other step and environmental factors impact each of those steps. Discuss this interrelation between the steps of the LR process, how environmental factors impact the process and each step.
3. Union density and thus union power has steadily declined in the United States since the late 1940s. What has caused this decline and what effect has such decline had on working conditions, wages and the goals of the labor relations process? What if anything can and/or should be done to address this decline.
4. Explore and explain changes to the labor relations process throughout U.S. history. What environmental factors led to these changes, what did the changes lead to in terms of micro (individual) mezzo (organizational) and macro (societal) level outcomes. Given the continued changes to the global system of commerce and the environment of work in the United States and around the globe, what changes would you predict for the next couple of decades for the labor relations process in the United States?
Please use APA Style for references.
Please include page nos. from the text for all references.
Please ensure that both essays have an introduction, main body paragraph and a conclusion paragraph included.
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