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Jodi Newell biography

it is a biography, 1, 1.5 page, double spaced, apa format.  times new roman style, size 12 font double spaced .

Her name is Jodi Newell

she lives in weymonth, MA. She is 36. She is student.Her major is philosophy and law. She has taken some college courses back in 2008. then she has  moved to california. she worked in Seasonal boat maintenance.

now she works in Friends of the homeless of the south shore Boston.


Other achievements and experiences: drove cross country 11 times she travel the every single states in the USA except Alaska and Hawaii.


Avocations  (sports, music, shopping, etc. : music ( everything about music ), Nature, Adventure, gardening, Reading.


Present Work Experience: Friends of the homeless of the south shore


Her major field of study is Philosophy  and law


She is retaking some courses she wants to transfer Umass Boston then She wants to go to Harvard Law school.


Her Graduation Date is Quincy College 2008 / Umasss Boston 2018 / haevard Law School 2026


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Since she was born, Jodi Newell made it a point to work hard for her goals, which were nothing less than her father’s dream. Newell was born in 1979 in the United States. She began her school at a very tender age and went on to study several courses in college. In 2008, she graduated from Quincy College…


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