Home » Downloads » View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician

View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician

View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician

View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician

You may submit up to two extra credit essays – a movie review and/or an additional concert report. A maximum of 50 points (5% of your semester total) will be added to your overall course grade for each of the 2 extra credit assignments. You cannot submit two movie reviews or two additional concert reports. If you quote or paraphrase an author, website, or other sources, you must cite your references using parenthetical citations (author last name, page number) or footnotes.

When you are ready to submit your assignment(s), click on the blue “Submit Assignment” button above, then copy & paste your work into the Text Entry box (you cannot upload a file). Be sure to click the”certify” box and the “Submit Assignment” button before leaving the page. If you submit both extra credit essays, please submit them at the same time in a single submission.


View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician (not a live concert, documentary, or satire). Write a 750 word minimum essay contextualizing the movie within the matrix of concepts, personalities, and music examined in this course. In general, think of this essay as a “critical analysis” in which you need to explain any personal opinions that you assert. Please address the following points:
• Give a brief (1 paragraph) biographical sketch of the principal character/musician.

• Socially and musically, how is the principal character portrayed?

• What historical phase of the development of jazz does the principal character belong to?
• How does the life and music of the principal character reflect the issues we’ve examined in relation to that historical phase?

• Describe the narrative of the film. How does the story unfold? – This is the core of you movie review.


Young Man with a Horn (about Bix Beiderbeck) 1949

The Glen Miller Story (1953)

The Benny Goodman Story (1955)

The Five Pennies (about Red Nichols) 1959

Lady Sings the Blues (about Billie Holliday) 1972

Round Midnight (about Dexter Gordon) 1986

Bird (about Charlie Parker) 1988

The Mambo Kings (about the Castillo brothers) 1992

Sweet and Lowdown (about Emmet Ray) 1999

For Love or Country (about Arturo Sandoval) 2001

Ray (about Ray Charles) 2004

De-lovely (about Cole Porter) 2004

El Cantate (about Hector Lavoe) 2007

Bolden! (about Buddy Bolden) 2015

Miles Ahead (about Miles Davis) 2015

Born to be Blue (about Chet Baker) 2016

Others? Email Dr. Walton with questions about other possible movies.


Each of the two Extra Credit essays are worth a total of 50 points each, with the possibility of earning a maximum of 10 extra credit points for each essay. The following rubric will be used to assess your work:

Criteria:This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuantity and quality of comments, quality of writing. You may submit up to two extra credit essays – a movie review and/or an additional concert report. A maximum of 50 points (5% of your semester total) will be added to your overall course grade for each of the 2 extra credit assignments. You cannot submit two movie reviews or two additional concert reports. The Extra Credit Concert Report should adhere to all of the required concert report guidelines EXCEPT: there’s only a 900 word minimum, and you only need to discuss four of the pieces/songs performed. 
 For the Extra Credit Movie Review, view one of the movies listed in the prompt for this assignment, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician (not a live concert, documentary, or satire). Write a 900 word minimum essay, address the bullet points listed in the prompt for this assignment.



………………….Answer preview……………………..

Socially and musically, the legend has been portrayed as one who got to live out his dream and took over the Jazz industry by storm. At the same time, he has also been portrayed as a person who has undergone issues with addiction……………………….


1020 words

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