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Explain one reason why a child or adolescent might appear to have low levels of intrinsic motivation

Explain one reason why a child or adolescent might appear to have low levels of intrinsic motivation

What is Motivation?
Part 0ne: Content Review

Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length.
Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
Copy and paste each question into the document, so your Instructor can see which questions you are answering.
In your own words, explain what intrinsic motivation is, providing at least one example. Then explain one reason why a child or adolescent might appear to have low levels of intrinsic motivation.
In your own words, explain what extrinsic motivation is, providing at least one example. Then explain one potential benefit of using extrinsic motivation when working with young people and one potential drawback.
In Chapter 1 of your course text, Donna Walker Tileston summarizes important findings from the research of Robert Marzano relating to motivation. According to Marzano’s research, where does learning begin, and how is this a shift from past thinking? Explain at least one implication of this research for motivating young people.

Part Two: What is Motivation?

Post a description of your ideas on motivation, including if and how your conception of motivation has shifted as a result of your learning this week. Include an explanation of what you think it means to be motivated, as well as unmotivated.

Part Three: Theory Into Practice

Article: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology, 49(3), 182–185. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.

Article: Seifert, T. L. (2004). Understanding student motivation. Educational Research, 46(2), 137–149. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.

Article: Greene, L., & Burke, G. (2007). Beyond self-actualization. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 30(2), 116–128. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database.

This week, you have examined different theories and constructs that can be used to explain how motivation works, including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, attribution theory, goal orientation theory, self-worth theory, expectancy x value theory, and self-determination theory. In this assignment, you will choose two of these theoretical constructs and consider their implications for working with school-age children and adolescents in group and/or classroom settings.

By Day 3

To begin, choose two of the theories presented in this week’s Learning Resources. The three articles are listed above. In a 2- to 3-page paper, briefly summarize the main components of each theory and/or each theory’s underlying philosophy. Then, for each theory, explain at least one specific way that a professional working in a group or classroom setting (you may choose the specific setting and context of this interaction) might apply the principles of this theory in order to motivate children and/or adolescents.

Assignment length: 2–3 pages

Author: Tileston, Donna Walker


………………Answer preview……………………………………………..

Intrinsic motivation is the feeling of performing a task because of one’s self-interest and will. This type of motivation is a personally energizing form of motivation where the activity itself is a reward to the person involved.  In other terms…………………..

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