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Explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships

Explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships

Journal entry require thoughtful reflection on your personal health. You will also be evaluated on the quality of content. When appropriate, journal entries may require you to discuss ideas and support them by scientific data and references. Your journal entry should include discussion of the content in the module the stood out to you the most, your feelings and opinions on the topic, and how the information you learned will influence you going forward. Also, it should include any other reflective thoughts you may have on the unit.

Each journal entry should be 400 to 450 words in length.


Attached are thee ppt that was covered in the module.



Chapter 4 and 5

Explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships.

Describe different types of love relationships and the stages they often go through

Identify common challenges of forming and maintaining intimate relationships.

Explain some elements of healthy and productive communication

Explain the similarities and differences between intimate partners and friends.

List some characteristics of successful families and some potential problems families face.

Outline the factors that influence sexual behavior and the various ways human sexuality can be expressed.

Describe guidelines for safe, responsible sexual behavior.

Chapter 6 and 7

Explain how contraceptives work.

List the most popular contraceptives and discuss their advantages, disadvantages, and effectiveness.

Discuss issues related to contraception, including nonmarital sexual relationships, gender differences, sex education for teenagers, and communication between partners.

Summarize the history of abortion in the United States since the 19th century

Discuss basic facts about abortion and the decision to have one

Explain the methods of abortion

Explain post-abortion care

Describe the legal restrictions placed on abortion in the United States

Explain the current debate over abortion

Chapter 8

List key issues to consider when deciding whether to become a parent.

Explain the process of conception.

Describe the most common causes of and treatments for infertility.

Describe the physical and emotional changes a pregnant woman typically experiences.

Identify the stages of fetal development.

List the important components of good prenatal care.

Describe the process of labor and delivery.

1 hour ago

 Answer preview to explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships Explain the qualities that help people develop intimate relationships


417 words

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