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Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development

Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development

1.week/unit 6 discussion post- child and ado class- Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development. Apply these theories to the two case studies that you chose in your Week 1 discussion by identifying three interventions, one of which is a play therapy intervention. See the Case Study Treatment Plan media to review the case studies. HERE IS DISCUSSION ONE to go off of…\\\\\\\”Jared’s Case-The theories that I would apply in Jared’s case includes John Bowlby\\\\\\\’s attachment theory, Maslow\\\\\\\’s hierarchy of needs theory, and Sigmund Freud\\\\\\\’s theory of psychoanalysis. John Bowlby\\\\\\\’s Attachment Theory, proposes that a secure and loving relationship between parent and child is the foundation of healthy social and emotional development. According to Bowlby, the parent-child bond is an internal working model that shapes a child\\\\\\\’s expectations of how people will interact with them. Maslow\\\\\\\’s hierarchy of needs suggests that humans have a set of needs that must be met before they can reach self-actualization. These needs are physical, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization (Kress, Paylo & Stargell, 2018). Finally, Sigmund Freud\\\\\\\’s Theory of Psychoanalysis argues that human behavior is determined by unconscious processes, such as repression, dreams, and the structure of the mind. It seeks to explain personality and behavior by examining the interaction between the conscious and unconscious mind, focusing on the roles of the id, ego, and superego. By looking at Jared\\\\\\\’s case from the lens of these three theories, psychologists can gain insight into his current behavior. For example, based on Bowlby\\\\\\\’s theory, Jared may be expressing his anger due to feelings of insecurity or lack of attachment from his primary caretaker(s). If this were the case, providing Jared with more attention and support from his parents or guardians could help him establish a strong attachment and reduce his expression of anger in school. From Maslow\\\\\\\’s perspective, it could also be possible that Jared has some basic needs not being adequately addressed, leading him to feel frustrated and lash out at his classmates and teachers (Capella University, 2023). In this scenario, making sure he has necessities like food and shelter would help reduce his frustration levels. Lastly, if psychologists look at Jared\\\\\\\’s situation through Freudian psychoanalysis, it could mean that he is not able to properly process his emotions or appropriately express them due to unresolved psychological issues or unresolved conflict within himself. Hallie’s Case- The theories that applies to Hallie’s case are operant conditioning, social cultural theory and Kohlberg\\\\\\\’s theory of moral development. Social cultural theory suggests that development is a result of the interaction between an individual and their environment. This interaction is influenced by language, customs, beliefs, and experiences that are passed down through culture. Operant conditioning theory proposes that people\\\\\\\’s behavior is shaped by consequences. Reinforcement can be used to strengthen desired behavior while punishment can be used to reduce undesired behavior. Kohlberg\\\\\\\’s theory of moral development argues that individuals progress through six stages of moral reasoning as they age (Kress, Paylo & Stargell, 2018). In Hallie\\\\\\\’s case, her behavior can be explained in terms of Social cultural theory. Her home environment and experiences with her mother\\\\\\\’s drinking and the changes in her father\\\\\\\’s family could have impacted her sense of self, her motivation to study, and her emotional well-being. The teacher\\\\\\\’s responses could also influence her behavior through reinforcement or punishment. In terms of Kohlberg\\\\\\\’s theory, Hallie could be working through the different stages of moral development, trying to process the changes in her family dynamic and reconcile them with her values and beliefs. Operant Conditioning theory can also be applied, as the teacher\\\\\\\’s response to Hallie\\\\\\\’s behavior will shape how she responds in the future.


Capella University. (2023). Case Study Treatment Plan. https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/coun5254element22529/wrapper.asp.

Kress, V. E., Paylo, M. J., & Stargell, N. (2018). Counseling Children and Adolescents. Pearson Education (US).

Each intervention is to be supported with recent, relevant peer-reviewed journal articles. Provide the citations for each of these articles.




Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers. Respond to peers who chose the same case studies that you did for your post. Compare and contrast the interventions they identified with those you selected for each case study.

2. Respond to Migdalia \\\\\\\” In the case study of Jared a 5-year-old African American male, the counselor will be addressing his physical/verbal aggression that includes hitting and cursing at his classmates and teachers in the kindergarten classroom when he becomes frustrated. His teachers and the school principal described Jared as “a very angry little boy”. Within the last two months, Jared displayed two incidents of physical aggression by throwing a chair across the classroom, and after each incident he broke into tears and was very apologetic. According to the research by Connor, et al. (2019), aggressive behavior is one of the most common reasons children and adolescents are referred to psychiatric clinics, and it co-occurs with several psychiatric and neurological disorders (Connor 2002; Bambauer and Connor 2005; Jensen et al. 2007). Clinical levels of aggression in children are associated with significant individual, familial, and societal economic burdens that increase with the age of the aggressive child (Raaijmakers et al. 2011). Jared’s counselor may explore these two theories to address his behavioral and emotional concerns: Roger’s Humanistic Theory and Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Theory. By utilizing Roger’s Humanistic Theory, the counselor will work with Jared and his family to understand the underlining conflicts of emotions that leads him to these outbursts and encourage him to develop skills to problem-solve.According to Kress, et al. (2018), child-centered play therapy (CCPT; Axline, 1947a) and person-centered expressive arts therapy (Rogers, 1993, 2011) are two approaches that have been particularly influential and widely used among counselors who work with youth, which grounded in Rogerian principles and rely on alternative mediums to talk therapy to facilitate children’s expressions of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Moreover, both approaches also emphasize the counselor’s way of being, the therapeutic relationship and core conditions of counseling, and children’s self-directed growth processes toward enhanced self-understanding, autonomy, and creativity.In the event that the counselor implements Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development: Initiative vs. guilt (3-6 years old), the counselor will take a look at Jared’s psychosocial developmental stages of competency in which he appears to be struggling to control his environment and he feels unease about his surroundings.Based on Kress, et al. (2018), social skills training and intervention is a positive approach for the child to learn how model others, role-play with other children in a group session, and learn social cues from others. This will enhance the child’s understanding of his new environment and what is socially acceptable and what is not. As part of this approach, Jared’s parents should participate so they can carry over the techniques when they are home. In the research done by Masud, et al. (2019), parenting style is one of the most dominant factors which directly and indirectly influence psychological growth of children (Crick et al. 1999). Studies examining parenting styles and aggression have shown that the way parents interact with their children can have both positive and negative results (Reed et al. 2008). Research on child learning and behavior has shown that differences in behaviors in children occur due to different parenting styles (Collins and Laursen 1999). The role of parenting in child aggression has even greater impact as child behavior is shaped by the parenting behavior.\\\\\\\”- migdalia

3. Respond to Sheldon \\\\\\\”

  • \\\\\\\”interventions for jared include ….Play therapy – having Jared choose various action figures, he will be encouraged to express himself by arranging them in whatever structure or pattern that occurs to him. Attention will be given to the situations he creates (e.g., bad guys versus good guys) and how the game he creates plays out (identifying struggles, who wins, and the method of triumph). Fundamental forces motivating his behavior may be expressed through these interactions, potentially revealing his inner struggles and relationships (Krystyniak, 2020).
  • Sorting Tasks – write various thoughts and feelings on cards. Reading a story out loud, have Jared identify the characters thoughts and feelings. This process can eventually lead Jared to use the cards to express his thoughts and feelings (Minde et al., 2010).
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation – during a session, after identifying a chosen reward, guide Jared to systematically contract and relax his body and express his feelings during and after the experience. His reward will be given after he completes the task (Toussaint et al., 2021).
  • Contingency Management – after relaxation, work with Jared to identify desired rewards found at school (The Uncontrollable Child: Family and Educational Interventions, 2011). \\\\\\\”What if, each time you feel like misbehaving, you let the teacher know you are going to take a time out? Then you will contract and relax your body until you feel calm. Each time you do this and come back to the class, you will receive your chosen reward.\\\\\\\” Positive reinforcement and extinction techniques will need to be discussed with his teachers.\\\\\\\”

4.Discussion post – adv stat class- week 6


For this discussion:

  • Critique Bulanda and McCrea\\\\\\\’s 2013 article, \\\\\\\”The Promise of an Accumulation of Care,\\\\\\\” which uses a qualitative program evaluation model.
    • What are the strengths of the design?
    • What are weaknesses or limitations to the methodology, analysis, and conclusions drawn from the data?
    • How would you recommend strengthening the design?
  • Apply concepts of qualitative research to the program evaluation design that you started in the previous discussion posts based on a previous or current work, internship, or volunteer experience.
    • How would you collect qualitative data and analyze it?

Note that your post should be substantive and be 500–750 words. It should be well-organized and proofread.

Initial posts are due by Thursday night.


Respond to the post of at least one peer. Provide your peer feedback on how he or she applied qualitative methods to the program evaluation. Reference course readings and what was learned in this week\\\\\\\’s webinar.

Note that your response post should be substantive and be at least 250 words. It should be well-organized and proofread.

5. respond to student-Alexis \\\\\\\” As the article stated, \\\\\\\”many of the inner city teens he studied were unable to identify individuals they regarded as role models in their lives. He reported that the youth stated they wanted to \\\\\\\’be myself\\\\\\\’ and had little interest in forming relationships with potential role models, resulting from a lack of trust and confidence in their social environment and current social network\\\\\\\” (Bulanda & McCrea, 2013). Moreover, this program is beneficial to disadvantaged teens and provides them the opportunity to build relationships with their mentors, which is a major strength of the program.What are the strengths of the design?The qualitative program evaluation method is the contributing factor that makes the research study effective. This is a strength of the design because it provides a better understanding of the program versus using a quantitative approach. Also, the study offers a mixture of reliable data such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys—furthermore, the use of multiple sources to assess the data and ensure accuracy.What are weaknesses or limitations to the methodology, analysis, and conclusions drawn from the data? There are multiple limitations in the qualitative program evaluation models. The qualitative program evaluation does not consider that different programs have different goals and purposes. The qualitative data provides more information on participants\\\\\\\’ experiences and perceptions since the quantitative method can provide information over the change of time. Also, the model is more focused on the opinions of a few key sources and needs to provide more data analysis. The evidence needs to be fully supported based on the conclusions that have been drawn from the data.How would you recommend strengthening the design?One way to strengthen this design is to include more information from multiple sources and that they provide a comprehensive analysis of the data presented.Apply concepts of qualitative research to the program evaluation design that you started in the previous discussion posts based on a previous or current work, internship, or volunteer experience. How would you collect qualitative data and analyze it? My internship consists of working in child protective services (CPS) in the social services department. The program protects children who are at risk of or are experiencing neglect and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. To collect qualitative data for my program, I would have in-depth interviews with all participants, such as children, parents, and legal guardians. Also, I would incorporate open-ended questions to get in-depth responses about their experiences, perceptions, opinions, feelings, and knowledge. I would use previous research from similar CPS programs to find out how successful they were and review what went well and what went wrong. As a result, this would strengthen my program and make it more successful.\\\\\\\”

Requirements: stated above

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Identify two counseling theories that resonate with your personal values and beliefs at this point in your professional development


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