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We finished up today by discussing intersectionality theory. As we mentioned, intersectionality has been a ‘hot button’ issue among feminists

and those who do critical work in gender studies.

Given our discussion, and given what the theory is meant to accomplish, please address:

the meaning of intersectionality as a theory;

are there any additional identity markers that should be included along with race, class, sex, religion, etc.–was our listing today complete;

the usefulness of intersectionality in unpacking the nature of oppression

Please draw upon the course readings and discussion for your answers.

And answer each question by one paragraph.




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Intersectionality, a term that was coined by an American advocate, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw, is used in describing overlapping social identities and other related systems of discrimination, oppression and domination (Cho et al., 2013).  Different social identities overlap creating a whole that differs from the individual identities………………………


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