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Learning Goals:This reflection paper assignment is directly linked to two of the three student learning outcomes for this course

Learning Goals:This reflection paper assignment is directly linked to two of the three student learning outcomes for this course

Learning goals.This reflection paper assignment is directly linked to two of the three student learning outcomes for this course. It will allow you to demonstrate familiarity with research and thought in the field of interpersonal communication and analyze your own relationships using concepts of interpersonal communication.


Your reflection paper should be 2 pages, typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, with one inch margins all around, and in essay format. DO NOT just list answers to the questions (should be in essay format). Submit your paper here on Canvas by the due date. Late papers will not receive full credit. Please proofread your work before submitting it.

Analyze one of your most important relationships. Begin by identifying the individual and briefly describing the relationship. Then use the principles described in Chapter 9 to analyze this relationship by answering the following questions in your (essay format!!) paper:

Consider the variables of why we form relationships (attraction, similarity, complementarity, proximity, etc.). How did these variables function at the start of your relationship?

Discuss your relationship in terms of Knapp’s 10 Stages of Coming Together/Apart. How did you move from one stage to another? Where are you now? What tells you this?

How do the various dialectical tensions function in this relationship? Give at least two specific examples, and describe how you managed the tension.

How do you maintain this relationship? What could you do to improve this maintenance?

How have you repaired the relationships after transgressions? What has been particularly effective?


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Relationships are an inevitable aspect of social life that people initiate with others. One of my most important relationship is the existing relationship with my class friend and a desk mate, Jimmy. The interaction with Jimmy began at the very start of our college life. I was dragged to his proximity by abilities and dependability which appeared to be useful for success……………………………..


633 words

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