Internship First Report
If you have a paid internship, what is the rate of pay?
Brief outline of your responsibilities at your internship:
How have Journalism/Communication classes contributed to your internship?
Discuss your progress toward accomplishing your internship goals:
Write a summary of an article from a trade publication dealing with some aspect of the industry in which you are working during your internship. Trade publications market to a specific industry. Examples include Advertising Age ( and Columbia Journalism Review ( Find a trade publication relevant to the industry in which you are working. At the end of your summary, include an article citation in the style of either the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA).
What are some of your goals for the remainder of your internship?
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An internship is an employment opportunity offered by employers in many fields such as banking, hospitals and media to undergraduate students as a source of experience that will be required in future. Internships are meant to give a chance to the students to get firsthand experience in their career choice. Internship programs can be paid and unpaid depending on the field you have taken and the willingness of your employer.
What is the rate of pay in a paid internship?
The rate of pay in a paid internship is the rate in which the employer who has given you the opportunity will be willing to compensate you for the services you will be offering to them during this program. The rate of pay…..
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