International law
Please read the chapters that concerns the source of law (attached) and answer the questions and the cases attached, this class is related to international law.make it your best writing and put all your effort on it please and write it so so professional. Don’t use any internet source or other source except this book ONLY. Write two pages for Q1, and one page for Q2.OK?
Make sure that you combine mortensen V peters case that in chapter 5 and 6 into one case and write brief about it!!! Write it so professional please, it’s a very serious paper.
Total of 3 pages for whole paper
………………Answer Preview…………….Mortensen v. Peters case is in two parts. The two cases seem to be covering the same concept. Mortensen is a Danish citizen who resides in England and Master of a trawler registered in Norway. The accusation in this case is that Mortensen violated the sea Fisheries Act and Herring Fisheries Act in the Moray Firth at a distance of 3 miles from the nearest land. It was against the Statute and the bylaws enacted by the Fishery board in 1892, which forbade the fishing method in question in the Moray Firth. The two cases are connected as question in the Moray Firth is concerning the International Law. Mortensen………………..
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