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Hofstede’s study of 5 dimensions of cross-culture, determines the behavior and personality of other people leadership roles

Hofstede’s study of 5 dimensions of cross-culture, determines the behavior and personality of other people leadership roles

1.final research paper (9 page minimum in APA format with at least 7 references).

For those who work in international business, it is sometimes amazing how different people in other culture behave. we tend to have a human instinct that ‘deep inside’ all people are the same but are they? Multinational organization executives , airline pilot, and entrepreneurs, etc., encounter international cultural differences.

Hofstede’s study of 5 dimensions of cross-culture, determines the behavior and personality of other people leadership roles. it examines individualism vs. collectivist; feminism vs. masculinity; power of distance; time orientation, or long term orientation , low vs. high uncertainty avoidance, etc. http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR 66.htm Select the country below and compare and contrast these dimensions. What are some limitation in each country.

Australia compared to Iran

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Australia is one of the most modern and culturally diverse countries; it is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of area. Its cultural diversity is very large considering the country was initially inhabited by indigenous Australians, and was later colonized be two different groups; that is the British and the Dutch………………………..
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