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Internal Analysis

Internal Analysis

The ultimate goal of an organization is to create and deliver a product or service. This is accomplished through a sequential series of activities that cumulatively build value in a product or service. Discuss Michael Porter’s value chain concept and its benefit to an organization.

Ensure complete answers for the questions and comprehensive research to bring out the topic well.
quality is essential in this question. good grammar is required. Use subtitles to enhance understandability

(in case you use examples relate them to the field of health care)

APA, 300 words
three references




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Michael Porter came up with the value chain concept to help organizations evaluate and gain a solid understanding on how the core competencies help the business gain competitive advantage. Value Chain was introduced in the year 1985 and has since proved to be a very effective model used by many businesses to measure and manage their productivity…………………………….


363 words

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