Professionals in many types of clinical settings use the SBIRT to assess clients’ risk for alcoholism.
Source: Screen Tools: SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions. Retrieved from:…
Once you have selected an assessment tool, complete the following activity.
Professionals in many types of clinical settings use the SBIRT to assess clients’ risk for alcoholism. Using one of the SBIRT variations from the site, create a hypothetical client. Write the questions (of your chosen SBIRT form) and add the client’s responses. Next, write a 1500-word analysis explaining the client’s risk for addiction. Assess the client’s risky behaviors and propose at least two community referrals (from your local area) that would be used to help the client learn about alcoholism (e.g., prevention services) or to get treatment. The second referral should be for mental health treatment or prevention (e.g., anger management).
Follow this format for preparing your essay.
Short summary of client (e.g., demographic information) including the presenting problem and potential case management issues.
Copy of one of the SBIRT forms with client’s responses
1500-word analysis of the responses from the assessment
Four referrals from Fairbanks, Alaska that match the information in the assessment with one assessment for addictions/prevention and a mental health (or something related- anger management). Make the referrals appropriate to each of the client’s needs (e.g., financial assistance, child care, transportation, and addictions treatment).
Answer preview to professionals in many types of clinical settings use the SBIRT to assess clients’ risk for alcoholism. 
1483 words
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