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What does Clark’s reflection tell us about the assessment procedures with which he has had experience

What does Clark’s reflection tell us about the assessment procedures with which he has had experience

Read the following case study and answer the discussion questions.

When Clark was in tenth grade, his teacher asked him to identify a problem he was trying to solve. Clark wrote the following:

“I guess I could call myself smart. I mean I usually get good grades. Sometimes I worry, though, that I’m not equipped to achieve what I want, that I’m just a tape recorder repeating back what I’ve heard. It scares me…I do my work, but I don’t have the motivation. I’ve done well on the state tests, but they are always multiple choice. I worry that once I’m out of school and people don’t hand me information with questions and Scantron sheets, I’ll be lost.
“School is kind of unrealistic that way. Kids who do well often just repeat what the teacher has said. There are so many things I should be doing, but instead I watch TV and read books. I guess that’s really my only major problem, in security. I have no self-confidence really or at least not at the right times. Fortunately, I’m very easy to please. An hour of bad TV will perk me up wonderfully. Beam me up Scotty.”


What does Clark’s reflection tell us about the assessment procedures with which he has had experience?

How would you rate his success as a learner?

How would you rate his levels of confidence, satisfaction, and motivation for learning?

What goals are the assessment techniques helping Clark to achieve?

If you were Clark’s teacher, what could you do to address some of Clark’s concerns?

How could technology help?
Write a reflection (similar to the above case study) of your thoughts and feelings about various assessment techniques you have experienced. Which type(s) of assessments do you prefer? Which one(s) do you perform the best on? Which one(s) do you learn the most from? Describe how your studying and/or learning is affected by the assessment measure used.

Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., Russell, J. D., &Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning (4th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education,Inc. (p235).

Notes from Instructor:
Clark is a victim of Curriculum and teachers who teach to the bottom 2 levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Clark is capable of so much more, but is reduced to Knowledge and Comprehension. As we strive to teach to higher levels of cognitive function, how do we assess whether students learned it? Here is a nice site that describes alternative forms of Assessment that speak to highest level thinking skill – creativity.
Assessing Creativity: http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/feb13/vol70/num05/Assessing-Creativity.aspx



……………………….Answer preview……………………..

Educational assessments refer to all those methods that teachers use to teach their students and to test their level of understand. Integrated assessment integrates knowledge for more than one domain thus making it a one area of study…………………….


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