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What have been major innovation in your industry/ business because of how the economy reacts to /COVID-19 or social unrest

What have been major innovation in your industry/ business because of how the economy reacts to /COVID-19 or social unrest

What have been major innovation in your industry/ business because of how the economy reacts to /COVID-19 or social unrest? How will they be introduced? How where you live or work be impacted?

Assume a scenario where COVID-19 continues to spread over the next year. What impact will that have on Medtronic, 3M, your local clinic or hospital, or the Mayo Clinic?

Amazon, Google, Tesla, Apple, the Mayo Clinic -Rochester, Apple, Cargill, Securian, Blue cross/Blue shield of Minnesota, Delta, Dental plan of Minnesota, and Medtronic are all leading companies in their companies in their industries. Rank them 1through 10 as exemplary companies today. Then rank themas you believe they will be in 20 years. Give short rationale for each ranking.

Management preference (How much those who will carry out the change actually believe in its value) may be the most important factor in successfully implementing organizational change and strategy. Discuss a situation from your work or industry where a gap in strategy preference occurred and its impact. How would you recommend closing the gap?

Many people say change is happening at an ever-faster rate. If you don’t stay ahead of or at least on top of changes you are failing behind. Pick a change you want to make in your work, career, or personal life. Take this short QuiZ to help you ask the questions. Include at least one specific item from each of the four steps.

If someone gave $ 1,000,000 to start or buy a business today, what business would you be most interested in and why? Give a short overview of the business as you envision. Assume you will be the CEO of the organization. What parts of leading would you find most rewarding? What parts of leading would you not enjoy? Why?

Now that you are finishing the MBA program, what person or work-related strategic changes are you planning? Briefly describe your change agenda.

If you were the director of the MBA program, what subject would you add or emphasize in the curriculum? What would you delete or deemphasize?

Q- Question. Who? When? How? What? Where? Why?

U- Unpack. Break down changes into smaller parts and look at each parts separately

I-Inven. Be creative. Add question to your query such as: Why not What if? Who else? How about? Where else? Now or later?

Z-Zoom. First zoom out; look wide, outside of your industry, outside of your role or expertise, read, research, ask others with different perspectives. Then zoom in; link what you have learned to your role and work and how all these things can effect it. Finally zoom way out; take a real strategies view for your work and your life. Make it 20-30 years. What steps can you take now to help make it to your final destination? Finally, in your responses to classmates, suggest new question or perspectives that may helpful to them.

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What have been major innovation in your industry business because of how the economy reacts to COVID-19 or social unrest


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