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Conduct a search for an applicable case study for the infectious disease

Conduct a search for an applicable case study for the infectious disease

Apply what you have learned about the structure and function of microorganisms in a report about a known disease and its impact on human health in a written analysis report that meets assignment requirements below.
Conduct a search for an applicable case study for the infectious disease of interest to you. Research more about the disease, using authoritative resources, which might include the course textbook, reputable peer-reviewed journal articles, and professional organization publications such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes for Health (NIH), World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s PUBMED online library.750–1,000 words, APA formatting, 5 scholarly/authoritative sources (excluding textbook)Describes and addresses characteristics of the disease, as well as an evaluation of how different conditions or procedures could have changed the outcome of a case study of your choosing.Impact of the disease on human health Structure of the disease Pathogenicity of the disease Stages of infection Diagnostic methods Prevention and treatment, such as chemotherapy or vaccine development Describes how the outcome of the selected case study might have been different if any of the six characteristics noted above been different.

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Conduct a search for an applicable case study for the infectious disease


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