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Apply theories to explain why gender differences exist in society

Apply theories to explain why gender differences exist in society

Choose one discussion prompt below to respond to: A – Gender and Inequality, Or, B – Institutional Solidarity. After identifying which discussion prompt you are responding to and making your initial post, be sure to make at least one of your response posts to the other discussion question prompt.Table listing three theories take on gender inequality with workplace occupation as applied case study.

Table listing theories on gender differences, Click Here To Enlarge [JPG, File Size 268 KB].

A – Gender and Inequality

This discussion addresses module outcome 1. You will apply theories to explain why gender differences exist in society and how these differences result in inequality. Gender roles and gender inequality exist in every society. You will evaluate how much of the inequalities are built into the social system and how much are contributed to by biological differences between the sexes.

Before beginning this activity, be sure to read the Module Notes and the assigned readings and viewings. Use as much detail from the readings and other learning materials in the module as possible to answer the following questions.

Compare and contrast two theories that explain gender inequality.

Do these theories consider that gender inequality may be a by-product of biological development? Use evidence from the module readings and viewings to support your answer.

How much of the differences between the genders do you think could be explained by biology?


B – Institutional Solidarity

Photograph of the White HouseThe White House

This discussion addresses module outcome 2. You have learned about the institutions of politics, education and religion. You have learned theories that examine how these institutions promote solidarity and stability in society even though they also contribute to inequality and dysfunction. Functionalists argue that the institutions interact and support each other in order to maintain social order. You will critically evaluate how these institutions interact and discuss whether this stability functions well or does harm to society.

Before beginning this activity, be sure to read the Module Notes and the assigned readings and viewings. Use as much detail from the readings and other learning materials in the module as possible to answer the following questions.

Pick any topic that has been covered in class thus far (e.g. deviance, culture, race, gender, etc.).

Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, education and religion.

Do these institutions support social solidarity on this topic, or do they promote social dysfunction? Use evidence from the module readings and viewings to support your answer.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings with proper APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style formatting.

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Apply theories to explain why gender differences exist in society


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