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Analyze the role of meter, metaphor, and imagery as a conduit for the expression of the private self in a poem by Emily Dickinson

Analyze the role of meter, metaphor, and imagery as a conduit for the expression of the private self in a poem by Emily Dickinson

English 1BSpring 2021

Essay 3: Poetry     In your third essay, you will be analyzing the stylistic features and semantic meaning of one poem of your choice. You will be expected to probe the structural devices of a particular poem for its deeper significance and its technical innovations.  Your essay must be formatted correctly and written clearly.  If you struggle with grammar, please seek help from me, from your peers, and from other resources available on campus. Essay Features: Length and Formatting:  3 full pages, onto 4th page (approximately 1000 words). Times New Roman, Double Space, 12 font, MLA style Submission: to Canvas and Turnitin.com      Vocabulary: You must use at least two vocabulary words from the Introduction correctly and analytically. These words include: meter, rhyme, image, symbol, metaphor, enjambment, and caesura.   Essay Topic Prompts (Choose One)

Examine the interplay of meter, diction, symbolism, and the paradoxical or ambiguous portrayal of good and evil in a poem by William Blake or William Wordsworth. 2. Analyze the role of meter, metaphor, and imagery as a conduit for the expression of the private self in a poem by Emily Dickinson.     3.  Interpret the free verse, parallelism, and imagery of the multitudinous American nation in a poem by Walt Whitman.   4.  Explore the way allusion and fragmentation renders modern urban existence in a poem by T.S. Eliot.5.  Analyze W.H. Auden’s poetic style and his use of diction, verse forms, and rhyme to both playfully and serious comment on modern anxieties.   6.  Reflect on how imagery, metaphor, lineation, and rhyme constructs gender and sexuality in a poem by Sylvia Plath or Adrienne Rich.

Answer preview to analyze the role of meter, metaphor, and imagery as a conduit for the expression of the private self in a poem by Emily Dickinson

Analyze the role of meter metaphor and imagery as a conduit for the expression of the private self in a poem by Emily Dickinson


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