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ICF Core Competency Skills

ICF Core Competency Skills


Pages: 5
I am sending it in 4 parts:
conduct another 30-40 minute coaching session with a willing colleague no one traveling. You may have a second coaching session with the same volunteer or work with a new person. With your coachee’s permission, record the conversation. Please do the following: Make a transcript of the coaching session(dialogue)
Part 2
I don’t think u had enough info for this in the first one: b) Annotate the transcript noting your use of all the ICF Core Competency Skills introduced in the course: • Reframing • Acknowledging • Powerful questioning • Forwarding the action • Validating • Active-Objective-Intuitive Listening • Bottom-lining • Inspiring • Clarifying • Brainstorming • Scaling Questions
Part 3 Part 3 c-Write a reflection that includes: • Which core competency coaching skills did you use with ease? • Which coaching skills were difficult and why? • How can you practice those skills?
Part 4 f) Finally, write a reflection for the course that includes: • What are the most important insights you learned? • How has the course impacted your work with students and colleagues? • How has the course impacted your personal life?
I separated it into 4 parts: 1 transcript 2 short reflections And annotating (part 2)- this should have been done in the first one but u didn’t have enough info I think
Please read it over carefully and describe the assignment to me so I know you understand it. Please no references to locations and no copied info from sources or references.
When I say you didn’t have enough information, I mean I didn’t supply you with it
Here’s the info for part 2
It is helpful to acknowledge the coachee’s thoughts, beliefs and experiences. Acknowledging is letting the coachee know you hear what they’re saying. The coach simply states what is. Validating: Another helpful method of encouraging and furthering the coaching conversation is validating. Validating let’s the coachee know not to feel guilty for how they feel. It’s okay for them to feel the way they do. There is no judgment.
Reframing is:If I had to choose one skill that would have the biggest impact on a coachee, my vote is for the powerful skill of reframing. A masterful coach helps the client see situations, beliefs and thoughts in new ways. Coachees may see situations, programs, projects or ideas in a negative light, stemming from years of limited thinking or deeply ingrained beliefs. Or they just never considered other possibilities and have been stuck in one way of thinking. Reframing shifts thinking patterns from negative to positive
Bottom lining is: Coaches need to become comfortable with strategies that will enable them to “cut to the chase.”
Objective Listening
In Objective Listening, the focus of the conversation is on the person speaking. The listener (coach) makes a connection, eye contact, leans forward, or make gestures that demonstrate they are engaged with the speaker.
Powerful questioning:
The coaching process is based on curiosity, for a purpose. Coaches ask questions to spark the coachee to think in new ways. Coaches are inquisitive, leading the coachee to explore and challenge their thoughts and belief systems. Coaches ask questions versus providing answers. Therefore, a good coach needs to be very skilled in various types of questions that will yield “aha” moments. It is those moments that reflect a great learning or insight has occurred, and new actions will be taken.




…………………………………Answer preview……………………….

Mr. Andrew: Hello Miss Helen.
Miss Helen: Hello Mr. Andrew
Mr. Andrew: How are you? (Smiling)
Miss Helen: I’m fine. How about you?
Mr. Andrew: I’m fine too Miss Helen. Life is never fair but one has to cope.
Miss Helen: that is very true. We need to face it with all the strength.
Mr. Andrew: I agree with you. How was your flight here?……………………………


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