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I need this to be paraphrased

I need this to be paraphrased

I need this to be paraphrased. it cannot be the same and it needs to be 100 words.

527 DB1

Paula: Thank you for your interesting discussion post for this weeks topic. I think you chose an appropriate behavior to address. Utilizing a utensil appropriately is an extremely important skill to have within our society. This skill may determine how one is viewed by their peers within their school setting as well as their professional one. If they do not utilize a utensil appropriately they may be looked down upon. I also liked how you pointed out the fact that an analyst really needs to evaluate how addressing this particular skill may impact their cultural background. I know many cultures do not utilize utensils when consuming their meals so this skill may not be particularly important to them. All in all good work! Thank you.

Sara: Great job on your post. When I read the definition for the behavior rule, I think of choosing behaviors that will be self-sustaining or choosing behaviiors that will become a habit for the individual or perhaps replace a negative habit with something more positive. For example, wearing a seat belt is a habit. People who wear seat belts whenever they are in a motor vehicle as required by law have a habit of exhibiting this behavior. This is generally a habit that will continue especially with “click it or ticket” campaigns all across the country. I like the behavior you chose!

527 DB2

Nia: I really liked your idea of labeling everything out in the box.  I had to use it because it helped me to keep my thoughts organized for this discussion post.  I really like the behavior that you chose for this discussion as shoes are an important part of our daily clothing items.  Many places do not even allow people to come into their establishment unless you have shoes and a shit on.  I cannot believe how many people run around in the summer months barefoot.  I think it is a safety issue as well as a health concern.  I personally have an issue with feet so  really like your idea of keeping shoes on when in a public place.  Great job on your post.

Ashton: I think most of these strategies can be used in almost all behavior change programs to promote generalization.  For example, the first strategy suggests including all relevant settings the behavior will need to occur in.  When there are multiple settings, the challenge is to select and focus on those environments that will be visited the most often.  As you mentioned, it would not be realistic or possible for that matter, to expose a client to every possible environment if there are many.  However, through training for generalization for the most important environments first, hopefully, the target behavior will eventually generalize to other settings not included in training.  In addition to this first strategy, as you mentioned, it would be easy to design a bathroom similar to the one at your client’s home to increase the chances of generalization to occur.  Also, as I mentioned in your first post, use of the timer will support self-monitoring and therefore generalization.

507 DB1

Gayle: I enjoyed reading your post.  Maintaining confidentiality is so important and can be easily violated with the use of teleconsulting if multiple family members are present during sessions.  One also runs the risks of any communication completed through email and what not being accessed by others.  I think that teleconsulting is a great option for emergencies, such as bad weather.  The only concern would be if the bad weather prevents the equipment from working properly.  Having face to face time allows behavior analysts to pick up on little things that may not be apparent during teleconsulting sessions as their view is limited.  Great job!

Brittany: I agree with you regarding the meaning of telepsychology and the possible ethical challenges of using it when providing behavioral services. According to Bailey & Burch (2011), it’s important to remember that certain behavioral procedures are more effective when given face to face with the client than when using telepsychology. Another possible issue when using telepsychology relates to the damage or misuse of the equipment by others, therefore; practitioners must explain client’s parent about the importance of taking care the equipment. On the other hand, I really like the example you have mentioned and how you deal with the client’s needs. Thanks for your post! I agree with you regarding the meaning of telepsychology and the possible ethical challenges of using it when providing behavioral services. According to Bailey & Burch (2011), it’s important to remember that certain behavioral procedures are more effective when given face to face with the client than when using telepsychology. Another possible issue when using telepsychology relates to the damage or misuse of the equipment by others, therefore; practitioners must explain client’s parent about the importance of taking care the equipment. On the other hand, I really like the example you have mentioned and how you deal with the client’s needs. Thanks for your post!

507 DB2

Brittany:  A good editing of the declaration based on your experience in the field. I did like the personal nature of your area of expertise. I think that it would assist with establishing rapport as it seems down to earth. I like in the explanation of what you do that you expanded the training to include not only the signee but also the other caregiver who may not be present. To have a successful intervention, if both parents are present with a child, I think having them both involved would increase the effectiveness of the intervention. The language used was easy to understand as well and explained the process in detail.

Christina : I enjoyed the way that you set up your discussion this week. You left in all of the relevant parts from the example and changed the facts about yourself. I have approximately the same level of experience as you do in the filed: a few months of ABA supervised work. I wonder how potential clients would view this. I work for a company that is supervising me so that I can get my hours in to sit for the BCBA exam as well. The BCBA always goes to the initial assessment to meet the families. They are the ones who give an introduction to what it is that our company will be providing. Is this the same situation for you or do you have a different situation? I know that we all have to start somewhere, but it just seems a bit awkward to put it in print like this. I suppose this is part of the reason that the BACB ensures that we all have 1500 hours of experience in before we sit for the exam. What are your thoughts on this? Good post,

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527 DB1

Hi Paula, I truly agree with you that utilizing a utensil appropriately is a must have skill in our society today. This was a great choice of an appropriate behavior and I really like it. Utilizing a utensil appropriately may be used to determine how one is viewed by the society and especially the peers. It may result in the affected……………

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