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Hypothesis testing is performed for clinical trials.  Explore at least one clinical trial located under:

Hypothesis testing is performed for clinical trials.  Explore at least one clinical trial located under

Clinical Trials Discussion

Forum Instructions

Each student must post (1) substantial initial post for each with a minimum of 300 words per topic . Your original post should contain appropriate APA in-citations/references.


Hypothesis testing is performed for clinical trials.  Explore at least one clinical trial located under:

https://clinicaltrials.gov/ (Links to an external site.)

Be sure to choose “Advanced Search” and “Studies with Results” located under “Study Results”.  Explain what the clinical trial is studying and explain some of the items using the components studied in this course (such as n, type of sampling, p-value, etc).

Answer preview to hypothesis testing is performed for clinical trials.  Explore at least one clinical trial located under

Hypothesis testing is performed for clinical trials.  Explore at least one clinical trial located under


290 words

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