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Analyze critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster event.

Analyze critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster event.

The Research Paper will consist of a disaster case analysis and will provide students with an opportunity
to critically analyze critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster event. Students
will be expected to discuss the various planning, response, recovery, and mitigation aspects related to the
case study, including their impact on the community and organizations involved in the event.
The Research Paper will culminate in a minimum 2,500 word paper (excluding the required title page,
table of contents, abstract, and a reference page), prepared according to APA style. Each student will be
required to submit the Research Paper to the Dropbox as an MS Word attachment. (This Dropbox will be
linked to Turnitin.) The Research Paper will be graded based on the breadth and depth of the information
presented, the analysis provided, as well as the documentation submitted from the text and outside
sources. Students must also include a discussion of the Saint Leo core value of excellence in their paper.
The Research paper must be submitted to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of
Module 7. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)
Assigned Text
Chapter 10 of the assigned text examines a number of important issues concerning the current political
and organizational environment for emergency management. In particular, in this chapter, the authors
offer a number of challenges and opportunities that should be taken into consideration with respect to
emergency management, both now and in the future. The authors emphasize that how emergency
managers deal with these critical issues will shape the path that emergency management takes as a
discipline in the years to come. However, to understand where we are now,

Answer preview to analyze critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster event.

Analyze critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster event.APA

2583 Words

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