One of the possible reasons that hunters and gatherers do not work more than they do may be to avoid overexploitation of their environment.
One of the possible reasons that hunters and gatherers do not work more than they do may be to avoid overexploitation of their environment. Think about this: overhunting might allow people to feast for a few days, but over the long run, the effect would simply be to destroy the local game supplies. Hunters and gatherers also demonstrate less patriarchy and ownership taboos than industrial society members. You will explore these differences in a PowerPoint presentation for this assignment.
Assignment Details
Use this Hunter-Gatherers resource page as a starting point. There, you will find an in-depth examination of the hunter-gatherer society as well as additional sources to explore. Make sure you use and refer to at least two sources in your presentation. Use this template to create a presentation of 10–14 slides, with speaker notes. A title and reference slide should be included. PowerPoint help is available through Smarthinking. Be sure cover the following in your presentation:
What are 2 examples of contemporary hunter-gatherer societies?
How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land?
How do hunters and gatherers view rights to property, such as tools or personal possessions?
What evidence suggests that hunter-gatherer societies have a conservationist ethic?
What can an industrial, modern society learn from hunter-gatherer societies?
NOTE: What many students often overlook:•This assignment must be a Power Point presentation and not narrative text in a Word /le.•The template (under Unit 3 Assignment Details) should be used as it provides the slide headings for the topics you need to write on.•Slide 2 on contemporary examples must include detailed and speci/c information (name, where they live, population, environment, etc.)•Slide 3 on land rights (not be to confused with property rights, slide 4) has to do with who has access to territories and resources. For example, are these individually or collectively owned” Do all or some have access to these resources?•References must be cited in the last slide and in APA format.•The Hunter-Gatherer resource page (under Unit 3 Assignment Details) provides all the information you need to complete this assignment, and should be read very carefully.Notice that if you do not follow the above tips you may lose a minimum of 75 points!
Answer preview to one of the possible reasons that hunters and gatherers do not work more than they do may be to avoid overexploitation of their environment.
14 slides