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Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics

Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics

Q: Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics as they are related to international/humanitarian disasters. Similarly, discuss why we as responders must conduct ourselves, and distribute resources ethically.

1) Having enough understanding of cultural ethics used in a person’s place of operation is a critical factor towards the success of the person’s activities in the. Regarding the international or the humanitarian disasters, possessing an understanding of the region affected by the disaster is a necessary factor needed from a humanitarian worker responsible for countering the effect of the disaster. Humanitarian workers go through various ethical challenges during their daily activities because they are expected to uphold neutrality, impartiality, humanity, and independence. Therefore, their failure to understand the cultural ethics would lead to harming the victims of a disaster instead of helping them. The cultural ethics serve as the cornerstone of preserving human dignity, and intervention services of humanitarian workers during life-saving activities (Lowrie, 2003). Therefore, although it may be complicated and unclear for humanitarian individuals and firms to employ cultural ethics in practice, upholding the ethics should be considered as an ultimate responsibility of the workers.

It is also necessary for the responders to conduct themselves appropriately and ensure ethical distribution of resources. The responders should ensure this behavior to ensure the attaining of such factors as independence, neutrality, and security. Regarding independence and neutrality, responders should treat all parties involved in a disaster with respect as well as avoiding bias. For instance, a responder should not consider himself as a favored individual and hence think of taking the place of the neediest individuals. Regarding security, most attacks made on humanitarian workers are facilitated by the responders. When the workers face such challenges, the effectiveness of their service is also comprised (FutureLearn, n.d.). Therefore, the responders should ensure that they develop excellent and ethical management and acceptability of the humanitarian services for maximum productivity of the services.


FutureLearn. (n.d.). The ethics of humanitarian action. Retrieved from https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/health-crises/…

Lowrie, S. (2003, June 2). Reflections on the Humanitarian Charter. Retrieved from https://odihpn.org/magazine/reflections-on-the-hum…

2) Value of Cultural Ethics

Disasters occur unpredictably, leading to extensive damages and injuries that may not be managed effectively by local communities, hence, requiring the intervention of government and other humanitarian firms. The operation of aid workers is controlled by a set of ethical principles, which ensure that victims are protected. Such cultural ethics play significant roles prior, during, and after disasters by ensuring that citizens are sufficiently trained on risk prevention measures (Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response, 2004). When a tragedy occurs, a set of ethical principles guide the efforts of benevolent aid workers in assisting the most vulnerable persons. These values ensure that humanitarian services are not connected to international politics, which has resulted in poor performance. When they stay away from politics, the firms can successfully advocate for the protection of the victim’s political and civil rights by utilizing community-based principles (Lowrie, 2003). Hence, cultural ethics guarantees that appropriate prevention measures are incorporated and effective rescue mechanisms are used in cases of disasters.

Ethical Conduct of Responders

When a disaster occurs, the responders should conduct themselves ethically to ensure that all victims are rescued. Everyone who is affected by the tragedy should be given right and equal treatments. According to the World Health Organization, any avoidable loss of life or severe diseases must be reported to its Health Action in Crisis department, which assesses the affected community, without preference (Coppola, 2015). Universal care confirms that no traces of diseases are left to rejuvenate and cause more harm; similarly, other responders must ensure that the ethical distribution of resources reduces the chances of a problem reoccurring. Moreover, the application of moral principles during a disaster demonstrates solidarity with the affected individuals, who are a significant part of society. Hence, responders should conduct themselves ethically to reduce the probability of the reoccurrence of a tragedy, and to show solidarity with the victims.


Coppola, D. (2015). Chapter 10. Participants: Multilateral organizations and international financial institutions.

Lowrie, S. (2003). Reflections on the Humanitarian Charter. Humanitarian Practice Network. Retrieved from https://odihpn.org/magazine/reflections-on-the-humanitarian-charter/

Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response. (2004). The Sphere project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response. Geneva: The Sphere Project.

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Discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics


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