Home » Downloads » Briefly reflect on whether you—as an employer/HR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace

Briefly reflect on whether you—as an employer/HR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace

Briefly reflect on whether you—as an employer/HR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace

There are three parts to this unit’s journal entry. First, briefly reflect on whether you—as an employer/HR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace. Explain your rationale and offer what you believe to be the most valuable benefit.
Next, briefly reflect on whether you—as an employee—would rather be in a unionized or non-unionized workplace. Explain your rationale and offer what you believe to be the most valuable benefit.
Finally, if you chose two different sides to the two scenarios (e.g. HR manager prefers non-unionized, employee prefers unionized), do you believe this creates a conflict in being able to perform your HR job in good faith?. If you chose the same side for both scenarios, do you believe this could lead to bias or issues if you are not working in the environment you prefer? Explain your rationale.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.

Answer preview to briefly reflect on whether you—as an employer/HR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace

Briefly reflect on whether you—as an employerHR manager —would rather work in a unionized or non-unionized workplace


370 words

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