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History 125: inhuman traffick

History 125: inhuman traffick

Pick one individual character from the graphic novel (Inhuman traffic) and explain the historical processes that may have motivated them to act as they did.

Instructions: Please use, at minimum, information from:
b) The graphic novel Inhuman Traffick
c) One other assigned readings, podcasts, or lectures in HIST 125.

Helpful guidance: Things to think about: do these people remind you of other people we have learned about? Were they motivated by historical events or conditions that we have learned about? Think about the historical processes we’ve discussed in class that could have acted as “push factors.” Remember to create a concise thesis statement and provide evidence to support your contentions.


  • Answer this question in 500-600 words.
  • Papers less than 500 words or more than 600 words will incur a penalty.
  • 12 point font
  • Calibri style font
  • Double spaced
  • 1 inch margins
  • No title page
  • No works cited page
  • Cite your sources using in-text, parenthetical citation


………………….Answer Preview…………………

The inhuman traffick is a novel by Rafe Blaufarb and Liz Clarke. The novel is both a historic novel that accommodates graphic depictions of the different acts displayed in the book. It majors on the transatlantic trade and the different effects that the trade had on the Africans who were traded off as slaves. The author, Blaufarb categorizes the book into different topics including the Neirsee incident and an international effort to stop the slave trade and the different incidents that took……


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