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A group that takes up the issue of rights denied by higher management

A group that takes up the issue of rights denied by higher management


When creating employment as a Boss, one is left with some responsibilities like providing a workplace that is safer for all employees among other good services otherwise, conflicts may arise as discussed below;

Negligent Hiring

Negligent hiring occurs if one hires a worker with a dubious records thereby harming another employee or customer in an organization. This may therefore lead to lawsuits, fines, and penalties to the employer for committing a wrongful act against an employee or client.

The five key areas of negligence include; hiring, onboarding, training, management, and retention and any among these five may cause workplace conflicts which can only be avoided by taking due care with diligence when it comes to hiring workers.

Privacy rights

This is a policy that allows people to decide on how much information and what information to give about themselves and that which is to be disclosed to others. Under this right, there are two major categories that is Psychological and Physical information. This policy also ensures that the employees have freedom from unwarranted government or business

intrusion into one’s personal affairs and private drug testing among other such like issues that may need privacy. Failure to adhere to this by an employer may lead to serious conflicts.

Job protection rights

This is the when the employer is able to treat the employees well. Professionally, it is therefore prudent to understand and protect the rights of employees.

This comes with differences in values and perceptions of issues and things.

It is therefore nearly impossible to change one’s personality in an organization regardless of being a worker or the boss. serious personality clashes can however be dealt with by separating the antagonistic parties by reassigning one or both to a new job, otherwise serious conflicts.


1.Searle, R. H., & Skinner, D. (2019). Trust and human resource management.

2.Bach, S., & Edwards, M. R. (2016). Managing human resources: Human resource management in transition



LO 1: Explain three areas in which employee rights and employer responsibilities could result in conflict. How might this conflict arise?

The first area in which employees and an employer could come into a conflict with would be over the work environment. If the work environment is not safe or the employees feel it is not safe I could see conflict arising. An employee needs to be able to feel safe when they are working or else they will not be able to do their job to their best ability I feel because they will be distracted. I feel like at times there are certain employers who do not want to purchase equipment for their staff because they see it only as an extra expense and unnecessary when in reality safety equipment and things to improve safety measures are important and a necessity. The second area I could see a conflict coming from is dealing with pay or overtime pay. I think there are many places that think that they are underpaid for the amount of work they do or the type of work they do. Especially if you compare it to other places that do the same kind of work and make more money then you do. Bonuses or merit raises is a good example as well. The employee could think that they had a great year and that they are going to be getting a raise but the employer could have a different opinion and not give that employee the raise that they were expecting, this would certainly cause a conflict. Third, vacation time, this is a huge one when it comes to my current job, we are offered vacation time but right now no one can take it because we are short staffed and everyone has to work. I can see a conflict arising from this because not only are we working our regular shifts but we are doing a lot of overtime which is resulting in burnout so not being able to take some time off is bound to lead to a conflict sooner or later.

LO 3: Discuss why documentation is so important to the disciplinary process. What constitutes correct documentation?

Documentation is important because it is your paper trail. I work as a Corrections Officer and our famous line is “log it or it didn’t happen” which is completely true. If you do not do the proper documentation if something does come up it is your word against another person’s. This documentation can also keep you from getting a lawsuit. Without it you are at a higher risk of being sued and losing because you will have no evidence in your case. In order for a documentation to be compete you need the time, location, and date of the incident that is resulting in the disciplinary action, what happened, what you did as punishment or as a consequence to what happened, any past incidents or interactions with said person over this same issue, name of any witnesses or other parties involved, and you must sign off on it with your name and credentials.



Disciplinary actions usually result from gross misconduct which can be defined as an intentional violation of the standard of behavior and substantial lack of concern for an organization by a worker.It is therefore important to note that documentation in a disciplinary process is very important due to the following factors;

Disciplinary process documentation enhances the firm in question’s efforts to deal with the behavior since the records are considered business documents.

Documentation enables organizations to present the problem of the employee warrants discipline.

A documented record demonstrates a neutral and reasonable basis for the discipline.

Documentation also provides for references incase of an equivalent problem or situation in the future.

A correct documentation should therefore consists of ;

-The date, time, and the place where the incident occurred.

-The disciplinary case to be filed against the employee

-Consequences and actions to be taken against such misconduct or behavior.

-The overall employee’s work performance and work unit.

-It should be clearly stated if there has been a prior discussion with the employee concerning the


-The disciplinary actions to be taken and the improvements that the employee in question is

expected to make.

-The consequences of failing to make the improvements to be stated with certain follow-up date

-The reactions of the employee towards employers corrections should also be noted.

-Finally, the names of witnesses during the incident may also be stated if need be.


1.Bach, S., & Edwards, M. R. (2016). Managing human resources: Human resource management in transition



The first question I will be talking about relates to areas in which employee rights and employer responsibilities could end up resulting in conflicts. When talking about this question and thinking out loud, the first thing that does come to mind relates to safety in the workplace. Employees have all the right to work in a safe workplace, and deny actions that may arise in a problem or injury. I see this as being one of the leading conflicts due to an employer telling an employee to do something even though they may not feel safe taking action. The second thing I see that can lead to conflicts deals with overtime and scheduling. Employees have rights to vacation time and sick time, but with some jobs, employees may not receive an approval for their vacation time even though it may have been on the calendar for awhile. In my old workplace, I have seen this happen many of times, creating great conflicts. The third and final thing relates to bullying and harassment in the workplace. At work, employees should not feel harmed due to comments or even jobs they are told to complete. Working at a place of choice is done as people work all their lives, so it is most important to do something that you have a passion for. With all these, conflicts may arise at any time due to disrespect of an employee, denial of something in the workplace, and more.

When thinking of documentation in the disciplinary process, many flags pop up in my mind. Without documentation or proof, there is no way someone can be proven guilty for doing something as there is nothing documented down. With time, something can then happen again due to documentation not being taken into affect. With no record of an employees mistakes, there is no way for the company to keep track of wrongdoing.



Arguments concerning union membership that a union would propose are competitive wages, benefits, dissatisfaction with management, and better working conditions. Unions offer their members protection, equality, and unity between employer and employee. Employees then benefit from unionizing to bargain as a whole with their employer. Instead of a single employee going to management with an issue that needs to be resolved the union steward represents the group as a whole to resolve the problem.

Employers are likely to argue unionization since it could increase wages, benefits, additional costs for the employer or even the potential for strikes. Change is usually always opposed at first, and an employer has to change significantly when their employees unionize. In the end, unions cost employers more money and can potentially cripple an organization. The employer has more control over its employees when they are not unionized. (Bohlander, 2015).

Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W. (2015). Managing Human Resources, 17th Edition, Cengage

Learning the US. P.536-562)


Contrast the arguments concerning union membership that are likely to be presented by a union with those likely to be presented by an employer.

As a blue-collar City employee, I hold a union position, so I know first-hand that there are both pros and cons to unionization. There are also a variety of reasons that employees sometimes want to unionize. The most common reason that employees want to unionize is because they do not feel like they are being paid enough, and they believe that they can bargain for more pay with the power of a union (Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W., 2015). In order to combat this argument, employers can pay their employees above market wages. They also might remind their employees that they have the potential to be rewarded with higher pay for better performance if they are not in a union, whereas if they unionize, everyone earns the same wages. A second reason that employees sometimes want to unionize is because they do not feel like they are being treated fairly by management (Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W., 2015). In order to combat this, employers can promote from within their organization as often as possible and also conduct routine climate surveys to see what employees are comfortable with at work and what needs to change. To add a note from personal experience to this, managers are still able to show bias towards certain employees and single out employees even when they are in a union; some unions fight with management better than others when employees are not satisfied with how they are being treated. Finally, a third reason that employees sometimes want to unionize is because they believe they will get more recognition and be able to socialize with others better if they are in a union (Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W., 2015). To combat this argument, employers can organize social events outside of work so that employees have a better chance to socialize with one another, and they can also regularly recognize employees for exceptional actions and results at work. As I listed, there are a few reasons that employees want to unionize, but there are also arguments for each reason because many employers do not want their employees forming unions. It is also important to remember that while there are many benefits to working in a union, there are also drawbacks that must be considered. Having worked in both union and non-union positions, I have enjoyed pieces of both types of employment.


Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W. (2015). Managing Human Resources. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781305480735/


Often times people within a company will unionize due to many factors. The idea and use of unions are used regularly in blue collar fields like the automotive industry. On the pro-union side of things, they can help make sure that each person is getting fair wage and benefits, and supports a person’s economic needs. They can also potentially use unions when they believe they are being treated unfairly by management and are dissatisfied. This is also a way that people can get recognition, and discuss their concerns with colleagues. This can result in an excessive amount of complaining, often times to the detriment of work output and employee satisfaction.

There are also things that can be of concern when it comes to union creation from an employer perspective. Competition can often be a driving force behind employee productivity. If a person knows they will not get fired or have a pay cut they may very well not be as productive. An employer can avoid this by comparing pay rates for similar job at other companies and taking into account cost of living in the area as well. Also, creating a culture of promoting from within helps drive people to perform their best so they can move into better paying roles.


Bohlander, S.S.S.M.G. W. (2015). Managing Human Resources. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/#/books/97813054…


The arguments that unions will have are

A platform to initiate action against any discrimination

A group that takes up the issue of rights denied by higher management

Provides higher bargaining power to the employees in regards to benefits, work environment etc

Unions give workers better job security and better piece of mind, reducing the stress of possible layoffs & wage/benefit cuts.

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A group that takes up the issue of rights denied by higher management


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