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Healthcare Quality Assurance Article Reviews

Healthcare Quality Assurance Article Reviews

Visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website . On the screen page, under the heading “Topics,” choose one of the following:

  1. Primary care
  2. Managed care
  3. Mental health
  4. Long-term care
  5. Public health preparedness

Click on your selected topic and choose two articles from those listed. Read both articles. . Prepare a one- to- two page summary (excluding title and reference pages) for each article. Each summary must be formatted according to APA style






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Transformed Primary Care: Care by Design

            The project involved was made up of ten hospitals; each hospital contained an approximate number of three to seven practitioners and the total number of patients in the case study was one hundred thousand.  The location for the study was at Utah and the elements to be studied included; Accessible Services, Comprehensive Care, Coordinated Care, Health Information Technology and Quality and Safety (www.ahrq.gov). The transformation involved in the introduction of a redesigned primary….


609 words