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Discuss the ethical demands you see for the future and your role as a Christian healthcare professional

Discuss the ethical demands you see for the future and your role as a Christian healthcare professional

Discuss the ethical demands you see for the future and your role as a Christian healthcare professional in meeting these demands.

How can knowledge of ethical theory assist you with meeting these demands (Note: A struggle will continue between deontology and utilitarianism)?

Include in your discussion the role you believe religion should play within each of the ethical demands you identify.

Cite a minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles, of which at least 5 must address biblical and theological aspects.

1800-2000 word count range, excluding any graph, charts, or modeling.


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The healthcare system future challenges will involve the current challenges of balancing quality and safety with ethical perspectives. The question as to whether the healthcare system is employing the right values in making clinical decision brings in the issue of Christian ethics into professional practice. The issues of autonomy, justice, beneficence………………………………..


1679 words

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