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Healthcare credentialing

Healthcare credentialing
Topic 1: The Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) of 1986 addressed two major issues, one of which is to identify incompetent physicians. The Human Resources department and the Medical Staff should take what steps to ensure that physician applicants are properly screened and routinely credentialed? To answer this question, you will need to do some outside research about credentialing in health care and please cite your source(s).
Topic 2: Identify a federal law or regulation that impacts health care organizations (other than HIPAA). What is the reason for this law or regulation? What is its goal? Who benefits from it?
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            Healthcare credentialing is a practice used by organizations and agencies to ensure healthcare practitioner meet required basics and are qualified to offer healthcare services. The Human Resources department and the Medical Staff should information provided by applicants reflects completion of medical school (Deutsch & Mobley, 2009). In addition, applicants should provide satisfactory evidence documenting completion and experience of training programs. Lastly, they should ensure that applicants produce license to practice medical services and the ability to participate in Federal Health Program. These are basic ……………….

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