Utilization directors and managers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are responsible for the utilization function.
Utilization directors and managers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are responsible for the utilization function. In this assignment, investigate healthcare utilization management further.
Instructions: As the Utilization Review Committee Lead, prepare documents for an upcoming utilization update meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to inform the staff on the basics of utilization.
Select an employer/organization (this can be a hospital, clinic, medical office, etc.)
In preparation for the meeting, outline information for the organization in regards to utilization management in the following areas:
Review, assessment, and evaluation
The role of the physicians
Quality care and control
Best practices
Any other important topic areas
Create a meeting agenda for those in attendance at the meeting (and for those unable to attend for reference)
Create a handout (1-2 pages in length) for the meeting that includes the key points of utilization management (refer to the outline and expand on each section so that each team member understands the roles and factors involved in utilization management.
Submit both the agenda and the handout in the same Microsoft Word document
Answer preview to utilization directors and managers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are responsible for the utilization function. 
612 words