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Healthcare at Stanford is provided by a nonprofit institution that is not profit-driven

Healthcare at Stanford is provided by a nonprofit institution that is not profit-driven

The clinical site I’ll be discussing is Stanford Health Care, a non-profit organization with locations around the United States. Healthcare at Stanford is provided by a nonprofit institution that is not profit-driven. Rather, it invests its earnings in its core mission areas of healthcare, education, and research. Revenue from patient services, government funding for medical research, and charitable contributions all contribute to Stanford’s excellent medical facilities and services. Payments for services provided to patients come from a variety of sources, including individuals themselves, private insurance companies, and government healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. At Stanford, high-quality treatment is characterized as optimizing patient outcomes in accordance with scientific evidence. The prevention of harm to patients is a major aspect of this notion. According to Stanford Health Care (n.d.), Patients will be able to make more educated choices about their health care if they have access to clear, accurate, and honest information regarding the quality of treatment.

The phrase evidence-based practice refers to the process of making healthcare decisions that consider both expert opinion and the most recent and relevant scientific information. As the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (2016) notes, evidence-based practice helps ensure that patients’ most pressing issues are addressed by the research being conducted. What this implies is that researchers are concerned not just with the treatment’s efficacy but also with how it impacts patients’ quality of life. Improvements in the well-being of patients, knowledge, and satisfaction are all considered quality treatments at Stanford. Customer surveys, clinical outcome measurements, and even assessments of internal processes are all used to track progress toward these goals.

Care, security, and confidentiality are prioritized in the creation and implementation of Stanford Health Care’s regulations and processes. Policies regarding the privacy of patients, preventing infections, and managing medical mistakes all fall under this category. Stanford has made a commitment to foster an atmosphere that embraces and celebrates the unique contributions of all its employees and patients. This is evident in the company’s policies and practices, such as its dedication to providing patients with equal treatment and its attempts to diversify its workforce. Stanford Health is committed to advancing the field of medicine via a compassionate, coordinated treatment that is tailored to everyone’s specific requirements through its unique integration of medical care, research, and teaching. (Stanford Health Care, n.d.)

Stanford Health Care is a nonprofit healthcare provider supported by fees for patient services, grants for medical research, and private contributions. With a focus on patient safety, it defines excellent care as the use of scientific knowledge to improve health outcomes. The company has several rules and processes in place to guarantee high-quality patient results from the service provided. Stanford Health Care is a progressive organization that values diversity, equality, and inclusion.


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (2016, September 8). What is evidence-based medicine? InformedHealth.org – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279348/

Stanford Health Care. (n.d.). About us. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/about-us.html
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Healthcare at Stanford is provided by a nonprofit institution that is not profit-driven


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