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Opportunities and threats are present in the external healthcare environment.

Opportunities and threats are present in the external healthcare environment.

DQ2W6 – Opportunities and Threats
Opportunities and threats are present in the external healthcare environment.
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Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,

Describe how the SWOT Analysis is used to tackle issues in a healthcare organization.
Evaluate and critically discuss two (2) opportunities and two (2) threats and their impact on a healthcare organization (ex. a community hospital).
Directions to student: You must complete this discussion in (no less than 750 words) into three substantive paragraphs 250 words each. Make sure you address the subject topic within the context of the COVID-19. Make sure you include at least four APA-formatted citations/references.

Answer preview to  Opportunities and threats are present in the external healthcare environment.Opportunities and threats are present in the external healthcare environment.

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