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Describe the implications for nurse leaders

Describe the implications for nurse leaders

Approved Topics

Should human cloning be allowed?

Should euthanasia be legal?

What are the biggest problems in healthcare?

Should Pediatric patients have the right to stop their treatments?

Futile care in the ICU setting.

Power Point Guidelines

·Prepare 10-15 slides including one title slide and a references slide – be sure to put your name on the title slide

·Introduce your topic

·Provide an overview of what you learned from the literature

·Describe the implications for nurse leaders

·Be creative – use visuals – don’t put too much content on each slide and keep it interesting. Make sure that you do a thorough internet search and review of the information available on your topic – please go beyond the nursing literature.

Requirements: 15 slides

Answer preview to describe the implications for nurse leaders

Describe the implications for nurse leaders18 slides

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